Sunset Crater Volcano


Hump Day!!!! Every time I say that, I think of the commercial where the camel is yelling it in the movie theater haha. Tell me you haven't repeated that at one time or another too?

This hike was so much fun, the national monument in Flagstaff is a gorgeous must see sight for sure for anyone that hasn't been there before. One of my favorite trips so far because I took a geology class in college so I have a slight fascination for rocks and volcanos (we all lowkey geek out to something)! Erika and I could not get ourselves together before this hike though, we kept forgetting one thing after another. It was actually so funny how bad of a job we were doing preparing for this, that it will never be forgotten and we will ALWAYS be prepared for the future.

Hope you're enjoying the ketchup pics & my new Jeep pics to come!

Andrea Aloren


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