Breakfast Picnic

With Oregon on my mind, I'm extremely excited about all the outdoorsy things that Frank and I are going to be able to start doing like picnics, fishing, bike rides and hikes. We will also be taking advantage of all Arizona has to offer while we still can. I have been on pinterest and basically everywhere for the last few weeks researching all kinds of day trips and traveling adventures for us to do before we leave and even a bit for once we get there.

Having picnics in Arizona during the summer is kind of a crazy idea, because it's over a hundred degrees daily by 10am. I woke up really early one morning though and decided we could do it! Who doesn't love to have breakfast by the lake? It's just so relaxing to watch the water and sometimes you can see the fish splashing around. I ended up making some blueberry muffins, cut up a bunch of fruit in the attempt to make it look more appealing, and I got some jerky for protein!

As soon as we got there and I started to lay out the blanket on a cute clover field under a shady tree, an orange butterfly flew around us. I thought it was really nice and a bit calming. Maybe even a little lucky, eh? Not sure if that's just in movies or cultural symbolism somewhere but I could always use more luck.

As I started setting out the food on the blanket, a duck started coming toward us rather quickly. Clearly people are feeding these animals way too much because I know he was looking for some bread. He had no fear, I swear I was more afraid of him than he was of me. Frank had no problems though going up to this guy and taking his picture. The luck was definitely on our side with him because even without giving him food he was still kind of friendly.

We walked around the park for a while after eating our breakfast and stumbled upon a really cool gazebo. It was a lot of fun to play around in there and has me excited that our adventures are only just beginning. For this one I pulled out a Levi's dress and put on my summer sandals, which has me feeling good. Hope everyone else is as well, have a great weekend!

Andrea Aloren


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